IVF 5: While We Wait…

The call is coming.
At some point, Emily’s phone is going to ring, and her nurse is going to tell her how many viable embryos this round of IVF produced.
We don’t know when this is going to happen, though. It could be as early as Wednesday, or as late as Friday, or even next week. We just don’t know.
And that uncertainty — combined with the uncertainty around those impending results — can be overwhelming. This past weekend, for instance, Emily was kind enough to make huge batches of two different types of stews. I told her that her hard work could go to waste, though, because my nerves are set to swallow my appetite at any moment. And I love stew.
To help pass the time, we recorded the video below.
In it, Emily discusses her state of mind, recounts the funny phone call she had with the embryologist and shares a cool story of foreshadowing, while I explain how gratitude has been my saving grace. At the risk of looking like a lunatic, I also turn to another dimension in hopes of currying favor with the fertility gods.