A hopeful, (sometimes) humorous take on the traumas of infertility and pregnancy loss.

Four Years in the Making: Emily and Brent Become Parents

After four years, five pregnancies, five lost unborn children and a 43-hour induction process, Emily and I finally got our rainbow baby.

Pregnancy: What If We Have a Girl?

Last week, I talked through some of my hopes, feelings and fears about the possibility that Emily and I will have a boy.

Here, I do the same about the possibility of having a girl — a prospect that might be even more exciting. That is, if it also weren’t so frightening.

Pregnancy: The 5 Foods Emily Can’t Wait to Eat

Among the many sacrifices Emily has happily made during this pregnancy, one of the most prominent ones has been her diet.

Here, she breaks down the foods she misses most, why she’s avoided certain items that others wouldn’t, and what she has to have for her first post-delivery meal.

Dad Practice: Elevator Etiquette

Riding an elevator shouldn’t be complicated. Yet too often it’s fraught with irritation and chaos, with people doing what (I think) they shouldn’t be doing.

And I’m determined to make sure our child is NOT one of those people.

Dad Practice: The One Thing That Makes Everything Better

Ever since I lost my job, I’ve been in a funk.

But a recent conversation with a friend reminded me that feeling better is as simple as changing this one thing.