A hopeful, (sometimes) humorous take on the traumas of infertility and pregnancy loss.

What Music Can Do for You

According to the lyricist, Y.E. Harburg,”Words make you think a thought. Music makes you feel a feeling. A song makes you feel a thought.”

Here’s why you should find the songs that make you feel a bunch of thoughts.

IVF 5: Getting Stuck

Three pre-egg retrieval acupuncture appointments are now complete.

Here are a few things I’ve liked and not liked about my experience so far, including my least favorite needle insertion points.

On Father’s Day

Over the past few years as Emily and I have struggled to expand our family, Father’s Day has never bothered me or caused me any stress or sadness. But this one feels different. Here’s how I’m trying to make the most of it: HOW TO MAKE DEALING WITH INFERTILITY A LITTLE LESS STRESSFUL

Finding the Positive in the Negative

When you’re struggling, you see your struggle in everything.

The other day I came across something that sent me into a funk. And though it took time and effort to do so, I pulled myself out of it by doing this.

Statistics Don’t Matter to the Individual

A new set of results are in, and we have thoughts.

In this video, we discuss why stats don’t matter to the individual, our hope that our embryos can beat the odds and how we’re handling the two-week wait that stands between us and the final findings of IVF Round 4.