A hopeful, (sometimes) humorous take on the traumas of infertility and pregnancy loss.

I’m Going to be an Old(er) Father — and That Scares Me

I’ll be 42 years old when Emily God-willing gives birth this July, meaning I’m going to be an older parent.

Here, I discuss why that scares me — and why I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Dad Practice: Our (Unborn) Child’s First Driving Lesson

In an effort to feel more like a father, I’ve decided to start acting more like one.

Here, I begin one of the classic parental pastimes: Teaching my (unborn) child how to drive.

Pregnancy: The 20-Week Anatomy Scan

The 20-week anatomy scan is something we have been dreading/dreaming of.

Here, we discuss how the ultrasound went, the genius of Emily’s doctor, and how we now find ourselves in uncharted waters.

Pregnancy: Life at the Halfway Point

We have now made it halfway through Emily’s pregnancy.

In this video, we discuss how she’s been feeling, what she’s been feeling, and how we’re emotionally preparing for the 20-week anatomy scan — a test with which we have a traumatic history.

I Bought My First Parenting Book

Being a parent is arguably the most singular experience a person can have. And I realize I won’t know what it’s like until I actually become one.

In an attempt to get ready, I bought my first parenting book. But do I have the nerve to actually read it?