A hopeful, (sometimes) humorous take on the traumas of infertility and pregnancy loss.

Dad Practice: Elevator Etiquette

Riding an elevator shouldn’t be complicated. Yet too often it’s fraught with irritation and chaos, with people doing what (I think) they shouldn’t be doing.

And I’m determined to make sure our child is NOT one of those people.

Will I Be Able to Connect With My Child?

When I think about becoming a parent, this is one of my biggest fears, because I’ve never been able to connect with children.

And this lack of ability was never more apparent than the time I made an innocent 8-year-old cry.

Pregnancy: Our (Unborn) Child’s First Language Arts Lesson

Far too many people screw up the plural and possessive forms of names.

If I have anything to say about it, our child won’t be one of them.

Dad Practice: The Importance of Gratitude

Last week, after I got laid off, I talked about all that I’d lost.

This week, I talk with the baby about all that I still have.

I’m Going to be an Old(er) Father — and That Scares Me

I’ll be 42 years old when Emily God-willing gives birth this July, meaning I’m going to be an older parent.

Here, I discuss why that scares me — and why I wouldn’t want it any other way.