A hopeful, (sometimes) humorous take on the traumas of infertility and pregnancy loss.

Pregnancy in the Time of Coronavirus

Daily detox protocols? Video-chat doctor’s visits? A new theme for the nursery?

In this video, Emily and I discuss the realities of pregnancy — and of prepping for the baby’s arrival — in the midst of a global pandemic.

Pregnancy: Our (Unborn) Child’s First Language Arts Lesson

Far too many people screw up the plural and possessive forms of names.

If I have anything to say about it, our child won’t be one of them.

My Wife is 6 Months Pregnant — and I Just Lost My Job

Considering all the craziness Emily and I have endured while trying to have a child, it’s only fitting that, in the midst of what has been her most successful pregnancy to date, a global pandemic would break out.

And now, that pandemic has claimed one more piece of collateral damage.

Dad Practice: Our (Unborn) Child’s First Driving Lesson

In an effort to feel more like a father, I’ve decided to start acting more like one.

Here, I begin one of the classic parental pastimes: Teaching my (unborn) child how to drive.

Pregnancy: The 20-Week Anatomy Scan

The 20-week anatomy scan is something we have been dreading/dreaming of.

Here, we discuss how the ultrasound went, the genius of Emily’s doctor, and how we now find ourselves in uncharted waters.