A hopeful, (sometimes) humorous take on the traumas of infertility and pregnancy loss.

Advice for the Modern Man: The Living Years


There are no perfect people, and there are no perfect relationships. What matters, though, is how we manage and overcome those imperfections to remain close to those we love the most.

Because, as Mike and the Mechanics explain, “It’s too late when we die to admit we don’t see eye to eye.”

All Was Well — Then My Fiancee Got Cancer

Brent and Emily Stoller

Which band do we want? What color should the groomsmen wear? Can our rehearsal dinner video montage be made to resemble A-Ha’s “Take on Me”? For my fiancée, Emily, and me, the planning process for our wedding was routine.

Until 32 days before “I do,” when a new entry was Sharpie’d onto our to-do list:
