A hopeful, (sometimes) humorous take on the traumas of infertility and pregnancy loss.

A Spiritual Cleansing

In order to take on this latest round of IVF, Emily and I worked hard to come to terms with the past while also trying to find peace, positivity and hope in the present and for the future.

Here’s one way we did that…

Statistics Don’t Matter to the Individual

A new set of results are in, and we have thoughts.

In this video, we discuss why stats don’t matter to the individual, our hope that our embryos can beat the odds and how we’re handling the two-week wait that stands between us and the final findings of IVF Round 4.

IVF Round 4: Egg Retrieval Week

Photo by Autumn Mott Rodeheaver on Unsplash

As we gear up for another egg retrieval, Emily shares how changing her thinking has enhanced her tolerance for pain, while I break down emotionally.

And of course, a blowfish update.

One Shot at a Time

Recently, I committed to being more open about the struggles my wife, Emily, and I have had in trying to have a child.

Now, as we begin Emily’s fourth round of IVF, we’ve decided to be even more open.