A hopeful, (sometimes) humorous take on the traumas of infertility and pregnancy loss.

IVF 5: Shots Fired

This morning, Emily injected her first shot of IVF round 5. And as always, she didn’t flinch, and did so with a smile.

Also, we had our first run-in with YouTube’s copyright police.

What Music Can Do for You

According to the lyricist, Y.E. Harburg,”Words make you think a thought. Music makes you feel a feeling. A song makes you feel a thought.”

Here’s why you should find the songs that make you feel a bunch of thoughts.

IVF 5: Getting Stuck

Three pre-egg retrieval acupuncture appointments are now complete.

Here are a few things I’ve liked and not liked about my experience so far, including my least favorite needle insertion points.

IVF 5: What a Prick

Over the last nearly three years, through four (lost) pregnancies and four rounds of IVF, Emily has been pierced by a lifetime’s worth of needles.

Now, it’s my turn.

IVF Round 5 is Coming: An Update

With IVF round 5 around the corner, Emily and I discuss why we skipped a cycle between egg retrievals, and how we’ve used the time off to prepare for the next one.

Also, Emily shares a technique she’s used to get rid of built-up anger.