A hopeful, (sometimes) humorous take on the traumas of infertility and pregnancy loss.

One Trait I Do NOT Want to Pass On to Our Child

I have no shortage of quirks and characteristics I hope our child doesn’t inherit from me.

In this video, I discuss one of these traits in particular — a trait that would by no means be life-shattering, but could be life-changing.

Will I Be Able to Connect With My Child?

When I think about becoming a parent, this is one of my biggest fears, because I’ve never been able to connect with children.

And this lack of ability was never more apparent than the time I made an innocent 8-year-old cry.

A Look Back: Remembering Our Unborn Daughter

Two years ago this week, Emily and I lost our unborn daughter during the 20th week of pregnancy.

Here, I share the lessons I learned from the child I never got to meet with the child we are, G-d-willing, about to.

Pregnancy in the Time of Coronavirus

Daily detox protocols? Video-chat doctor’s visits? A new theme for the nursery?

In this video, Emily and I discuss the realities of pregnancy — and of prepping for the baby’s arrival — in the midst of a global pandemic.

Pregnancy: Our (Unborn) Child’s First Language Arts Lesson

Far too many people screw up the plural and possessive forms of names.

If I have anything to say about it, our child won’t be one of them.