A hopeful, (sometimes) humorous take on the traumas of infertility and pregnancy loss.

Pregnancy: The First Conversation With My (Unborn) Child

The first conversation with my (unborn) child

By the 16th week of pregnancy, babies have developed functioning ears.

Which is why I decided to have a chat with our child — a chat that was far more challenging than I had anticipated, and not just because I was talking to Emily’s stomach.

Pregnancy: The First Ultrasound

On Nov. 11, 2019, Emily and I went in for her first doctor’s appointment of the pregnancy. We were excited, we were nervous and we had no clue what awaited us in that exam room.

Then they started the ultrasound.

IVF 5: While We Wait…

New video! While we wait to learn how many viable embryos IVF 5 produced, Emily recounts a funny phone call with the embryologist and shares a cool story of foreshadowing, while I explain how gratitude has been my saving grace.

At the risk of looking like a lunatic, I also turn to another dimension to ask for help in currying favor with the fertility gods.

IVF 5: Shots Fired

This morning, Emily injected her first shot of IVF round 5. And as always, she didn’t flinch, and did so with a smile.

Also, we had our first run-in with YouTube’s copyright police.

IVF 5: Getting Stuck

Three pre-egg retrieval acupuncture appointments are now complete.

Here are a few things I’ve liked and not liked about my experience so far, including my least favorite needle insertion points.