A hopeful, (sometimes) humorous take on the traumas of infertility and pregnancy loss.

IVF 5: Anything and Everything

Three days and nine shots into IVF round 5 (as of this recording), Emily and I discuss our state of mind, body and being.

What spirit animal is Emily channeling? And why does she hope to turn into a French delicacy?

IVF Round 5 is Coming: An Update

With IVF round 5 around the corner, Emily and I discuss why we skipped a cycle between egg retrievals, and how we’ve used the time off to prepare for the next one.

Also, Emily shares a technique she’s used to get rid of built-up anger.

Statistics Don’t Matter to the Individual

A new set of results are in, and we have thoughts.

In this video, we discuss why stats don’t matter to the individual, our hope that our embryos can beat the odds and how we’re handling the two-week wait that stands between us and the final findings of IVF Round 4.

Scenes From an IVF Egg Retrieval

Here, we begin with me giving my swimmers a pep talk, and we conclude with Emily making her pitch to be a particular product’s spokesperson.

In between, we share the sights, sounds and preliminary results from an emotional week.