A hopeful, (sometimes) humorous take on the traumas of infertility and pregnancy loss.

Advice for the Modern Man: Family Ties

Sad Couple

The old saying goes that when you marry someone, you marry their family, too.

While I concede there’s truth in that adage, I don’t buy it wholeheartedly. Yes, you have to consider the relationships and evaluate how your partner prioritizes his family.

But what’s far more important is how the two of you choose to prioritize each other.

Advice for the Modern Man: It’s a Wonderful Life

Christmas Fireworks

The holidays are a special time, full of love, laughter and joy. And as I put together my list and checked it twice, I decided that all I wanted for Christmas was no family drama.

Instead I got fireworks.

Why I Hate Being a Sports Fan

Texas Rose Bowl

I was born into a University of Texas family, and I was raised within a burnt orange shadow — meaning at a young age, I fell for the Longhorns. Hard.

For pathetic or worse, some of the seminal moments of my life have involved UT athletics. Which raises the question:

What’s wrong with me?