A hopeful, (sometimes) humorous take on the traumas of infertility and pregnancy loss.

IVF 5: Anything and Everything

Three days and nine shots into IVF round 5 (as of this recording), Emily and I discuss our state of mind, body and being.

What spirit animal is Emily channeling? And why does she hope to turn into a French delicacy?

The Day Our Lives Changed Forever

On July 15, 2016, Emily went in for an MRI as part of the follow-up protocol for the cancer she’d beaten the year before.

The test results she received changed our lives forever — and not in the way we thought they might have.

IVF 5: Shots Fired

This morning, Emily injected her first shot of IVF round 5. And as always, she didn’t flinch, and did so with a smile.

Also, we had our first run-in with YouTube’s copyright police.