A hopeful, (sometimes) humorous take on the traumas of infertility and pregnancy loss.

Pregnancy: What If We Have a Girl?

Last week, I talked through some of my hopes, feelings and fears about the possibility that Emily and I will have a boy.

Here, I do the same about the possibility of having a girl — a prospect that might be even more exciting. That is, if it also weren’t so frightening.

Dad Practice: Learning to Laugh at Yourself

As a first-time father, I know I’m going to screw up. A lot. And I need to be able to laugh at myself when I do.

Unfortunately, finding humor in my mistakes has never been a strong suit — a fact that was abundantly clear recently when I nearly set our kitchen on fire.

Dad Practice: Our (Unborn) Child’s First Driving Lesson

In an effort to feel more like a father, I’ve decided to start acting more like one.

Here, I begin one of the classic parental pastimes: Teaching my (unborn) child how to drive.