A hopeful, (sometimes) humorous take on the traumas of infertility and pregnancy loss.

Advice for the Modern Man: I Love To Be Alone — Is There Something Wrong With Me?


There’s always been this perception that there’s something wrong with being alone. Mention that you went to dinner or a movie by yourself, and most people are bound to respond with some level of pity. (Parents of young children excluded.)

That’s the burden the loner shoulders. In movies, he’s been depicted in myriad ways — from aloof and pathetic to mysterious and heroic — but no matter what, he’s always carried with him some level of sadness.

Reading your question, I can’t decide if I should feel sad or not.

Advice for the Modern Man: How To Deal With a Name-Dropper


Who likes a name-dropper? They’re the personification of deaf ears. Not even other name-droppers enjoy their company, because there’s nobody to appreciate the names that are being dropped.

So what do you do when you have one in your family?

Advice for the Modern Man: How Do I Get My Ex To Leave Me Alone?

Couple breaking up

The post-breakup world is a wasteland of emotions. While communication between the two parties should cease as soon as possible, a certain amount is necessary, so each person can process his or her feelings and gain closure.

But there’s an etiquette to these exchanges — what you can say, how often you can say it and how long you can say it for — and whether you got dumped or did the dumping dictates how you are to conduct yourself.

Advice for the Modern Man: How Do I Save My Marriage?

Troubled couple

Lies. Deception. An emotional affair with an old flame.

In marriage, at what point have you reached the point of no return?

Advice for the Modern Man: Beauty and the Eye of the Beholder

Couple in love

If I were to boil down to one word what everyone wants in a romantic partner, it’d be compatibility. Compatibility when it comes to values, personality, sense of humor, what you each want out of life.

And yes, physical compatibility.

While looks aren’t everything, and making decisions based solely on them never leads to Disney-worthy endings, discounting their importance is equally egregious.