A hopeful, (sometimes) humorous take on the traumas of infertility and pregnancy loss.

Advice for the Modern Man: Why Won’t My Husband Have Sex With Me?

Frustrated Wife

Sex is important. There’s no way around this. It’s THE determining factor that separates romantic relationships from every other kind.

And in this woman’s case, the lack of it in her marriage has her contemplating divorce.

Advice for the Modern Man: To Give and Receive

Holiday Presents

From Christmas presents and baby showers to engagement rings and wedding registries, the etiquettes and protocols for gift giving have never been clearer, the stakes never higher.

But as we enter this season of joy and sharing, have we lost sight of what really matters?

Advice for the Modern Man: My Brother’s Keeper


Caring for an emotionally troubled friend is more than a one-man job. And despite your best efforts, when you shoulder that burden alone, you end up doing more harm than good — for both of you.

Advice for the Modern Man: The Value of a Home-Cooked Meal


While trying to save money — in the present and for the future — one couple struggles to eat at home more often.

But is their steady stream of delivery and take-out a sign of a deeper problem?

Advice for the Modern Man: Can I Still Save My Marriage?


One of the only consistent aspects of marriage is change. As each person evolves individually, the relationship must evolve with them.

So what do you do when your spouse won’t?