A hopeful, (sometimes) humorous take on the traumas of infertility and pregnancy loss.

You Are Not Alone

Sometimes, it feels as if everything is working against you.

You catch every red light when you’re in a rush, for instance.

But other times, the universe — or whatever higher power you subscribe to, if any — gives you exactly what you need.

You’re Capable of More Than You Think

I have no skills in the kitchen.

In my single days, I was competent enough to keep myself fed. 

But now, there is one thing I’ve mastered that I’m happy, if not eager, to share.

Is Waiting Really the Hardest Part?

Tom Petty once declared that the waiting is the hardest part.

I love Tom Petty, but I disagree with him here.

At the moment, I am waiting to hear on something important. And predictably, I’m nervous.

The Last Piece of Cake

The last piece of cake.

Will you eat it?

I won’t. I don’t have the nerve to.

How Easily We Break

The saying goes that you should dance like no one’s watching.

As someone who cares too much about what others think, I’ve always loved this saying.

Of course, given how things have played out the last few days, it’s probably better I live with someone who is watching.