Don’t Take It Personally

“It’s not about me.”
This is something I often tell myself.
Although, sadly, I don’t always believe it. Which is why the repeated reminders are required.
“It’s not about me.”
This is something I often tell myself.
Although, sadly, I don’t always believe it. Which is why the repeated reminders are required.
You ever hear the one about how “The Three Stooges” cured cancer?
The story goes that after a particular man was diagnosed with the illness, he spent every night watching episodes of the comedic troupe. A few months later when he returned to his doctor, he was cancer-free.
It’s always nice to get results. It’s always nice to put in the work and see it pay off. And it’s always nice to have somebody validate that work.
Even if that somebody is your dentist.
How frustrating is it when you know what to do, but can’t do it?
In the abstract, making a change seems like it should be as straightforward as following a recipe.
But it’s never that simple.
When you grow up in a relationship, you can struggle to grow up as an individual. Everything is filtered through a couple’s prism.
So what do you do when you start thinking of going it alone?