A hopeful, (sometimes) humorous take on the traumas of infertility and pregnancy loss.

This Simple Trick Will Keep You Calm

“Will I remember this five minutes from now?”

I was on my morning commute, having just merged across three lanes to reach my exit — a task made more difficult by a silver Honda that had refused to let me over.

I was not happy.

Make Your Past Your Past

Yesterday wasn’t what I wanted it to be. But I can’t do anything about it anymore, because it’s over. 

And the last thing I should do is let it weigh me down as I move forward.

The Unspoken Secret of Happiness

Expectations. We all have them. It’s part of the human experience.

They’re always there, constantly shaping how we feel and how we view the world.

Do What You’re Bad At

How do you turn a weakness into a strength?

Practice, obviously.

You have to practice what you struggle with in order to master it.

The Polite Way to Tell Someone They’re (Doing Something) Disgusting

Not cleaning up after yourself. Stealing someone’s sandwich from the communal refrigerator. Funkifying the entire floor by reheating last night’s salmon in the microwave.

What do you do when someone commits an office faux pas?