Why Aren’t My Sibling and I Friends?

The arc of the sibling relationship is divided into two segments:
Childhood and adulthood.
What starts as an arranged marriage often blossoms into a lasting friendship. But there are no guarantees.
The arc of the sibling relationship is divided into two segments:
Childhood and adulthood.
What starts as an arranged marriage often blossoms into a lasting friendship. But there are no guarantees.
Everywhere you look, everyone’s moving at warp speed. On the road, in the office, even on the golf course.
But where this drives me nuts is when it’s time to get off an airplane.
The beauty of this publication, 100 Naked Words, is its two challenges:
Write 100 words a day; do it for 100 days straight.
While I’ve been focusing on the second challenge, today I’m focusing on the first.
So much of life is based on perspective.
It’s that whole glass-half-full-or-half-empty thing. We’re all going to have ups and downs, but the way we choose to view things determines how we experience things.
This morning has been a good news/bad news situation for me.
What keeps you from changing?
Why do you keep doing the same things over and over again, even though they’ve proven they prevent progress?
In a word: danger.