Be Kind to Yourself

So much of self-improvement advice is rooted in punishment.
This makes sense, because transformation is hard. The more it burns, the more benefits you reap.
But if you’re not careful, you can burn yourself out.
So much of self-improvement advice is rooted in punishment.
This makes sense, because transformation is hard. The more it burns, the more benefits you reap.
But if you’re not careful, you can burn yourself out.
On the side of the desk in my teenage bedroom, I scribbled in Sharpie the two-word mantra by which I thought I should live my life:
No fear.
But as has proved to be the case with most of my teenage beliefs, I didn’t know what I was talking about.
A wise woman (OK, it was my mother, a therapist) just told me:
We teach what we need to learn.
Well, it’s time for me to look in the mirror.
Last week at this time, I was in the same position I’m in right now:
Staring at a blank screen, unsure of what to write, not really wanting to write anything.
Words have power. We understand this when we’re talking to others.
But too often we forget this when we’re talking to ourselves.