30 Days of Joy: The Purest Sleep You Can Experience

I’ve turned into my mother.
My mother can fall asleep anywhere at any time. And often does.
And now, so can I. I’m not sure how to feel about that.
I’ve turned into my mother.
My mother can fall asleep anywhere at any time. And often does.
And now, so can I. I’m not sure how to feel about that.
Among my first memories are the Sunday night dinners I had with my grandparents.
While I loved being with Mom and Pop, as we affectionately called them, one of the highlights was our chosen restaurant’s specialty:
Fried chicken.
Over the last little while, I’ve been focused on incorporating a few key personal growth principles in my life. But there’s been something missing — something that would take this hard work to another level:
“Pick your battles.”
When it comes to marriage advice, this is among the most common offerings. No matter how similar two people are, and no matter how much they love each other, they aren’t always going to be on the same page.
But how do you know which battles to pick?
“Don’t be a jerk.”
I’m not proud I require that reminder, but I remind myself of it frequently.
In many areas of my life, patience is among my strongest virtues. It’s the minuscule, daily minutia with which I struggle, though.