30 Days of Joy: Breaking the Rules

I’m short on time, so I’ll keep this short.
Like, three-words short:
Chick-fil-a chicken biscuit.
I’m short on time, so I’ll keep this short.
Like, three-words short:
Chick-fil-a chicken biscuit.
I hate when things are over.
Last night was my final improv comedy class. This Saturday night, we’ll do our final performance, at which point we’ll “graduate.”
I am not handy.
In fact, I’m the exact opposite. A look at a few of handy’s antonyms tells my story:
Unskilled; bumbling; bungling; clumsy; awkward; inept.
This morning, for the first morning in many mornings, I had nothing to do upon waking up.
No workout. No tee time. No will-I-or-won’t-I wrestling match with a cold shower.
Telling anyone to clean up their act is difficult. And it gets that much more difficult when it’s someone you love.
But when you employ the right strategies, your dirty work won’t get messier.