A hopeful, (sometimes) humorous take on the traumas of infertility and pregnancy loss.

How Easily We Break

The saying goes that you should dance like no one’s watching.

As someone who cares too much about what others think, I’ve always loved this saying.

Of course, given how things have played out the last few days, it’s probably better I live with someone who is watching.

Trust Your Gut

Here’s a bit of wisdom:

Never switch checkout lines at the grocery.

I learned this lesson the hard way recently.

30 Days of Joy: Mission Accomplished — But Unfinished

Two days ago, I completed “30 Days of Joy” —my self-imposed challenge to find joy in something, anything, every day for 30 days. 

I considered writing about the experience yesterday but decided I wasn’t ready, perhaps because I was anything but joyful.

But now, I’m ready to try.

Unvarnished Vulnerability

What do you do when you’re feeling down? When you can’t get yourself going? When you’re feeling out of sorts?

I’m embarrassed to use this terminology, but I’ve got a case of the Mondays.

30 Days of Joy: Look Beyond Yourself to Find Yourself

Though happiness may be an inside job, joy often is found outside yourself.

As this 30-day endeavor draws to a close, that’s one of my biggest takeaways.