How to Do What You Need to Get Done

What prevents you from doing what you need to get done?
My guess is it’s not a lack of smarts or skill.
It’s a lack of fundamentals.
What prevents you from doing what you need to get done?
My guess is it’s not a lack of smarts or skill.
It’s a lack of fundamentals.
The quest to inject more happiness into my life is ongoing and ever-evolving.
Now, I’m adding a new tactic to my repertoire:
Eye contact.
“How’s it going?”
It’s the go-to greeting you hear as you go through life. And if you’re like I am, you’ve never put much thought into your response.
But maybe it’s time you start.
There are no words. But I’m going to try to come up with some.
Houston, my hometown and current home, along with much of Southeast Texas and parts of Louisiana, have been ravaged by Hurricane Harvey.
But somehow, someway, I have come out of this disaster unscathed. And I’m not sure how to feel about that.
When you’re in a long-term relationship, there’s a never-ending string of reasons why you and your partner might drift apart.
Here are three ways you can reconnect.