A hopeful, (sometimes) humorous take on the traumas of infertility and pregnancy loss.

How Living With a Death Clock Has Changed Me — and How It Can Change You Too

Man staring out over mountains

Are you lacking a sense of urgency and purpose?

Do your priorities feel out of whack?

Have you struggled to figure out how to get more out of your time and efforts?

A death clock  could provide the answers you’re looking for and more.

Because it has for me. 

Would You Rather be Happy or Satisfied?

Person jumping for joy at sunset

How can you make time for both your personal and professional lives?

How can you maximize productivity without sacrificing relaxation?

How would you spend your time if you wanted both instant gratification and long-term achievement?

Welcome to the latest installment of “On the Clock.”

What More Could You Accomplish if You Wasted Less Time?

Desk with a computer screen that reads, "Do More."

Last week, I laid out how I’d want to spend the last day of my life.

While my day was fun, it wasn’t fruitful — at least not in terms of productivity.

Which is why this week I’m flipping to the other extreme and breaking down, step by step, what my day would look like if I could stop wasting time and start working harder.

If You Had One Day Left to Live, How Would You Spend It?

Man spreading his arms in triumph on the top of a mountain

Live every day like it’s your last.

That’s a common cliche you hear when it comes to how you can get the most out of life.

Which is why in this video, I go through, step by step, what I’d want my final 24 hours to look like.

I hope you’ll play along at home…

The Dread of Sunday Nights

Person sleeping on the couch

Angst. Uncertainty. Dread.

With a full workweek ahead, these are just a few of the emotions I feel as my head hits the pillow each Sunday night.

How can I break free of this Sisyphean cycle?