IVF 5: Shots Fired

This morning, with the sweet stylings of Stevie Wonder providing the soundtrack (thanks to our friend, Melissa, for the suggestion!), Emily took her first shot of IVF round 5.
As always, she didn’t flinch. And she did so with a smile.
We recorded a video of this, so you could see for yourself. Unfortunately, when we uploaded it to YouTube, we learned that, due to copyrights, you’re not allowed to use the song, “I Just Called to Say I Love You” in videos. At least, we aren’t. So we had to immediately delete it.

We did take a couple pictures, though, which we’ve included below.
Still, in order to keep us in the most positive mindset possible, Emily and I are soliciting suggestions for songs that we can both listen to while the shots are being administered and that we can dance to each night. If you have any recommendations, please leave them in the comments!
(Who knows…we might even shoot a video of Emily injecting or us dancing to it, assuming there are no copyright issues involved. Rhythm not included.)